I received my Ph. D on Faster, Incentivized, and Efficient Federated Learning: Theory and Applications at Carnegie Mellon University on Aug. 2024, and and joined Google to conduct applied research on on-device machine learning for large language models. My research interests are broadly in distributed machine learning, on-device machine learning, and federated learning.


Selected Publications

  • Y. J. Cho, L. Liu, Z. Xu, A. Fahrezi, and G. Joshi, “Heterogeneous LoRA for Federated Fine-tuning of On-Device Foundation Models”, EMNLP 2024 [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, D. Jhunjhunwala, T. Li, V. Smith, and G. Joshi, “To Federate or Not To Federate: Incentivizing Client Participation in Federated Learning”, TMLR 2024, Shorter version at FL-NeurIPS’22 (oral) [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, L. Liu, Z. Xu, A. Fahrezi, M. Barnes, and G. Joshi, “Heterogeneous LoRA for Federated Fine-tuning of On-device Foundation Models”, FL@FM-NeurIPS’23 [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, G. Joshi, and D. Dimitriadis, “Local or Global: Selective Knowledge Assimilation for Federated Learning with Limited Labels”, ICCV 2023 [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, P. Sharma, G. Joshi, Z. Xu, S. Kale, and T. Zhang, “On the Convergence of Federated Averaging with Cyclic Client Participation”, ICML 2023 [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, J. Wang, T. Chiruvolu, and G. Joshi, “Personalized Federated Learning for Heterogeneous Devices with Clustered Knowledge Transfer”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (IEEE JSTSP), Dec 2022  [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, A. Manoel, G. Joshi, R. Sim, and D. Dimitriadis, “Heterogeneous Ensemble Knowledge Transfer for Training Large Models in Federated Learning”, IJCAI 2022 [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, J. Wang, and G. Joshi, “Client Selection in Federated Learning: Convergence Analysis and Power-of-Choice Selection Strategies”, AISTATS 2022 [pdf]
  • Y. J. Cho, S. Gupta, G. Joshi, and O. Yagan, “Bandit-based Communication-Efficient Client Selection Strategies for Federated Learning”, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2020 (Invited Paper) [pdf]


In my free time I enjoy playing the piano, squash, swimming, and spending time with PanitheCorgi.

PanitheCorgi loves

Last updated on Sep. 2024.